I can't say that I've seen either of these guys before (Vordell Walker rings a bell), nor do I know what a "Spook City Roulette Match" is, but I've heard good things. Let's see how it goes.
Match starts with both guys getting loose and warmed up before locking into a collar and elbow. I'm guessing this isn't a blood feud type match, so I don't know what to make of whatever gimmick this is supposed to have. It looks early on that Vordell is a powerhouse in there and Dagon is going to be bumping around for him.
They drop the mat work before long when Dagon gets Vordell outside. He teases a dive but Vordell drops down out of sight. It becomes much more of a brawl once the both of them are outside. They whip each other into the folding chairs and start with the stiff chops and kicks. Walker gets a two-count while outside, so apparently this is falls count anywhere. The crowd gets into a "this is awesome!" chant pretty early on. A bit premature but I like how this is going.
Dagon gets a belt while Vordell is done for a while. He starts to choke Vordell with it, but Vordell gets out by ramming Dagon into the outside corner of the ring. Now he's got a free belt and the whipping begins. He chokes Dagon to return the favor.
I think the "roulette" aspect is tied to these good bags in the corner that I now notice. Dagon goes into another one and pulls out a lariat. Dagon is choking Vordell out and escapes only when he pulls Dagon hard into the turn buckle as he falls back. The choker becomes the chokee and Vordell is screaming "ask him!" at the ref, wanting Dagon to quit. The ref starts to drop Dagon's hand, but he musters the courage to keep going just before the third drop. He pounds the mat to get fired up, but Vordell cuts him off within moments.
We get some more traditional wrestling spots for few moments and even those manage to equal the intensity of the rest of the match. They're not just dropping each other; Dagon and Vordell are slamming each other and making it all look like they want to put the other guy out of commission. Vordell runs around in that ring like he's trying to bust through a brick wall.
Dagon gets bag three in to play. It's thumb tacks. I brace for my inevitable cringe. Dagon can't use them though because Vordell hits an entirely legal low blow. He taunts the crowd, ready to spread out those thumbs tacks while Dagon is still recovering in the corner. He upends the bag and out come... skittles? Definitely not the thumbtacks he wanted. Dagon's up too and it looks like he found something nice in the fourth bag: a sturdy chain to wrap around his fist.
Vordell charges Dagon, swings a hard lariat that Dagon ducks, and Dagon drops Vordell with a punch from that loaded hand. He goes for the pin and gets the 1-2-3 to finish it off.
Match Rating: ****1/4. Very, very good match. I love the intensity of it and the match kept picking up steam as it went along. The roulette gimmick was a new one that I've never seen but I enjoyed the pay off. There are a few matches from earlier this month I want to rewatch (namely WrestleKingdom 8), but this is about as good as I've seen so far.
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