Antonio Cesaro's stock rose more than anyone's this past monday. Sure, Daniel Bryan arguably got the most attention. Cena and Orton got the main event. But Cesaro got time to shine and the hot Staples Center crowd was into him like a guy much higher on the card. Sheamus and Cesaro showed great chemistry as tag opponents that night, but that has a precedent. Sheamus, despite his obvious character flaws, knows how to make an opponent look like a million bucks. Put them together and you've got a fine match up. Let's go back to their June encounter.
Sheamus vs. Antonio Cesaro
Damien Sandow delays this match so he can continue a story line that I don't much care to remember. Now that that's over, we can get to the wrestling. Collar-and-elbow tie up. Cesaro European uppercuts Sheamus on the break. He forces Sheamus into the corner and slaps him across the face. Sheamus is pissed. He charges Cesaro, who has to roll out of the ring to avoid the Irishman's wrath. Cesaro narrowly avoids a kick through the ropes. He got a bit too close to the ring and Sheamus couldn't wait to get at him.
Sheamus works over Cesaro's abs. He tries for a suplex but that's a no go. Cesaro gets Sheamus down with a waistlock, rotates on top of him, and gets back to his feet. Cesaro pulls Sheamus off the ground with a Karelin lift. That's freaky strength. Sheamus takes a clothesline that puts him over the top and outside.
Cesaro sizes Sheamus up and tries a crossbody. Sheamus catches Cesaro and throws him into the boards with a fall away slam. Commercial break. They're brawling in the ring once we're back. Sheamus drops Cesaro over his knee with a backbreaker. The two step outside again like they're in an ROH match. Cesaro bullrushes Sheamus, tackling him into the steel steps. Cesaro rolls Sheamus into the ring so he can go for a pin. One count.
Cesaro headlocks Sheamus, lifts him off his feet, and spins him around until a toss breaks the hold. It's no giant spin, but that was a feat in and of itself. Sheamus hits two ax handles on Cesaro. He hits the ropes again, but Cesaro gets back at him with a hard clothesline. Two count this time. Cesaro and Sheamus keep wailing away. Sheamus gets his signature chest-thump spot in. He picks Cesaro up over the ropes and slams him down with a backbreaker, but this time Cesaro kicks out at two.
Cesaro and Sheamus continue to clobber each other. Cesaro shoves Sheamus into the corner. He charges, Sheamus pops his leg up and lands a perfectly timed counter Brogue kick to Cesaro's jaw. Cesaro falls back, Sheamus covers, and it's over. Sheamus wins.
Match Rating: ****1/2 Great match. The only thing that keeps it from a higher rating is that it's short and a commercial break cuts it even shorter. Execution and storytelling get five stars, but the total presentation is just a little lacking. Such is life on Main Event. Sheamus and Cesaro are a dream match up. Both are willing (and able) to sell so that the other guy looks like a destroyer. Both have offenses that make them look like powerhouses. That makes for a great match.
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