Apr 9, 2014

AAW TV Episode 6

AAW comes back to its home base, the Berwyn Eagles Club, for tonight's action. We've got two matches on the docket tonight, so let's get to it.

L.O.S.E.R.S. (Moondog Bernard & Seaman) vs. Keith Walker (w/ Nikki and Kevin Harvey)
Handicap match. I guess Keith Walker is in for a world of hurt tonight. Luckily for him he's built like a brick shithouse. The LOSERS don't look so inspiring. Seaman clenches his fist and forearms Walker to start. Walker doesn't move. Moondog tries to rescue his partner. He gets a chokeslam for that.

Walker slaps the hell out of Seaman's chest in the corner. Moondog comes running for the save again, but Walker moves. Both LOSERS are in the corner. Walker slaps Moondog's chest now, worse than he did to Seaman's. Walker slaps the hell out of Seaman a bit more then throws him onto his right shoulder with a release German.

The LOSERS get a second to shine when Moondog hurls his partner off the top rope and into Walker. Walker gets up after a short respite. He lariats both LOSERS, one after the other, then covers each with one hand.

Match Rating: 1/2* "I can't wait to see the star rating online for this," said Phil Colvin during the match. Where there you have it. It's a squash, so I'm almost obliged to give it a N/R, but it went long enough tht I can give it something.

The cameraman finds the LOSERS backstage somewhere for the next segment. They're hurting bad, but they survived. For them, that's cause to celebrate.

Colvin and St. Holmes talk about the last ten years of AAW history. Last month was AAW's tenth anniversary and they showed a great video package to open it up, which they rerun here. Very well done video showing the talent who have come through AAW over the previous decade.

AAW Tag Title Three Way Elimination Match - Kung Fu Manchu (Louis Lyndon & Marion Fontaine) (c) vs. Men of the Year (Michael Elgin & Ethan Page) vs. Zero Gravity (CJ Esparza & Brett Gakiya) 
Ethan Page found Elgin backstage and hustled him into a tag team since his usual partner, Josh Alexander, is out. Elimination rules tonight, starting with Lyndon and Esparza grappling. Page can't help but heel it up while the honest Elgin watches with dismay. Esparza and Lyndon clear out the interloping Page so they can go back at each other. Fontaine tags in. Elgin tags in next. Page immediately tags his partner on the shoulder, so he's going in instead.

Fontaine bulldogs Page. He gives Page the run around while they're matched up, so Elgin has to tag in and save his partner. Gakiya tags Fontaine out while he's near the rope, meaning Elgin gets to face off with Brett "mini-Alvarez" Gakiya. Elgin works as the base for Zero Gravity. Zero Gravity and MOTY trade momentum between each other. Kung Fu Manchu are on the outside for a long while, 7 minutes or so, while Men of the Year and Zero Gravity hog all the action. Zero Gravity receive most of that action, forcing Gakiya and Esparza to bump and sell for their bigger opponents. Esparza finally tags in both Kung Fu Manchu members at the same time, so they come in with a slew of double teams, taking out Page and then Elgin. Kung Fu Manchu look for a dive outside onto MOTY, but Zero Gravity cut the champions off before they can both dive.

Esparza gets to be the first one who successfully lansd a dive to the outside, taking out Page. Kung Fu Manchu run to the corners and hit springboard moonsaults to the outside. Elgin climbs to the top turnbuckle but Gakiya dashes up the ropes and jumps off of Elgin's back onto the men outside.

Kung Fu Manchu have a long run where they take out Zero Gravity and start to work over Elgin. Page urns the tide. Elgin spinning backfists Fontaine, buckle bombs him, and hits the Elgin bomb. Elgin eliminates the champions and guarantees that the next fall determines AAW's new tag champs.

Elgin has Esparza up in a delayed vertical suplex when Page comes in and tries to give him a hand. Elgin wants to do it alone and pinches Page's belly. Page is unflappable. He hugs it out with Elgin, not letting the insult get between them. Zero Gravity land a flippy cup 2.0 on Page/ Elgin breaks the pin up. MOTY toss Zero Gravity all over the ring for the next few minutes, but the little flyers come back with sheer determination.

Zero Gravity try an assisted moonsault on Elgin. Elgin gets his knees up, then Page dumps CJ Esparza off the top and into the railings below. Elgin stops Page from using the ring bell on Gakiya, then gives him a stern talking to. Elgin does a backfist and a buckle bomb, but Page cuts in front of him to finish Gakiya off with an uranage. Page makes the cover and MOTY are the new AAW tag champs.

Match rating: *** Good match, very entertaining. Some really great spots in here though there is a bit of nonsense too. Elgin and Page make for an unusual pair. Elgin wants to win but wants to do it the hard, fair way. Unlike Page, he's not a cheater and won't take the low road. Elgin shakes hands with Zero Gravity after the match while Page looks on with disgust. Kung FU Manchu came into the match as champs but were out for a lot of it. Between standing on the apron and getting eliminated first, this match was mostly Zero Gravity vs. MOTY.

Final Thoughts
AAW TV goes by fast, I'll say that. It helps that episodes clock in at under an hour, instead of 2-3 like so many others. The video package is probably the highlight of the show this week. I liked the main event more live than I did on rewatch, but my tastes change and I notice more that I'm too caught up in live to complain about.

Speaking of live AAW. They've got a show this Friday at the Berwyn Eagles Club. Come check it out if you're in the Chicagoland area.

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